

Tips from Toby: Dealing with a wet lawn


All this rain has certainly helped our lawns and landscape perk up this spring! The only problem? Lots of rain means your grass has gobbled up a lot of nutrients, and now it's hungry for more. 

An application of long-lasting fertilizer will help your lawn continue to utilize its stored-up nutrients and stay green throughout the summer, but you'd better do it quickly: the late spring season is the last chance you have to fertilize in preparation for the upcoming fall.

While you're caring for your lawn, it's also important that you remember to mow on the highest notch — cutting your grass too short leaves the individual blades of grass unable to protect their own roots, and root strength is especially important in autumn and winter.

Another problem you may have noticed after heavy rain is pools of standing water in your lawn. These can attract mosquitoes and other bugs, which is the last thing anyone wants with the Zika virus spreading this year.

Luckily, you can buy a locally made product called Earth Right to improve your lawn's ability to drain itself and get rid of these pesky puddles. Apply Earth Right, which is made in Overland Park, at double the standard application rate to break up the clay beneath standing water and at a normal rate to the rest of your lawn for better drainage all year round.


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