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KC is second best place in country for women in tech

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Statistically, women have always been underpaid when compared to their male coworkers, especially in the technology industry.  

But, that might be changing. 

According to a study by smartasset, Kansas City is one of the best places in the United States for women in tech jobs. For the fourth year in a row, KC came in second place, right behind Washington D.C.

In fact, women make two percent more than men do. 

"Where you live matters a lot, what's happening in your neighborhood," Sarah Byrd said. 

She hopes to help Kansas City better understand its growth, while also taking advantage of a more welcoming job climate. 

Byrd calls herself a "Data Wrangler" for tech company mySidewalk.  She helps local governments gather and use data in a way its citizens can understand. 

For example, she put together informational graphs and visuals for Kansas City, Kan.'s blighted buildings program. 

The company also helped the city of Kansas City analyze how citizens are satisfied with quality of life aspects. 

"You can find some really interesting things and interesting correlations, and learn what levers you can pull to make a really positive impact on your community," Byrd said. 

We know Kansas City is booming right now, and it's made way for women to break the glass ceiling in tech jobs. 

"I like that world," Byrd laughed. 

Half the VP team at mySidewalk is female, and they say that's allowed them to look at diversity not just in their workplace, but also in the clients they help. 

"It seems that men tend to ask for more upfront or are comfortable making those asks, and even looking at your hiring process, how are you setting up pay scale so that you're grading that off of what that person is bringing to the business?" VP of Talent Adriana Choquette-Hoffart said. 

Looking at how tech jobs increased 16 percent from 2013 to 2016, the push for more S.T.E.M.-oriented programs for young girls, and young people in general, can only help KC in the long-run. 

"I think things are slowly starting to change culturally," Byrd said. "I think that helps a lot at that younger age before the cultural stereotype of math not being cool or science not being cool, so getting them in there early."