KSHB 41 reporter Grant Stephens covers stories involving downtown Kansas City, Missouri, up to North Kansas City. Share your story idea with Grant.
KC Pet Project is investigating an animal cruelty case where a dog was left outside to freeze in last week's severe weather.
The dog survived thanks to the bravery of an animal control officer.
The dog was left in a wire cage in the middle of the sidewalk near 20th and Jackson Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri.
Angel Bryant, field supervisor of animal services, was on call and said the call to help came in around 4:30 in the morning.

"It's adrenaline. You just know it has to be done, so you just get up and do it," she said.
She said the man who called was elderly and could not walk out in the snow and ice to get to the dog he heard barking outside.
"So he was begging me to come out as fast as I could and get the dog. He didn't think it was going to make it," Bryant said.
It took Bryant an hour to get there on snowy, icy roads, but she arrived just in time to save the dog and get it warm.
"All that was inside the kennel was feces and like a work shirt from Sonic drive-in," Bryant said. "She started wagging her tail and was happy. Trying to lick me through the crate."
Now, a week later, the dog has recovered remarkably well.
Soon, she'll be up for adoption and will find a new home, but there's still the question of what happened at her old one.
"I would like to prosecute the person that did this," Bryant said. "I would like to know what was going through their mind when they left this dog on the sidewalk. I don't know if we'll get an ending to that, but I'm glad the dog at least is going to have a happy ending."