
Report from special House committee investigating Greitens to be released Wednesday

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JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — The Missouri House of Representatives announced the special investigative committee formed to investigative allegations against Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens will release its report Wednesday evening.

This comes after a judge issued a gag order in the criminal case against Greitens earlier Tuesday afternoon. The 22nd Judicial Circuit Court released a statement acknowledging that the court has no power over the House and its actions.

It was on the minds of many lawmakers in Jefferson City; what will the special house committee reveal Wednesday?

The special House committee was formed after a grand jury indicted Greitens on invasion of privacy charges.

41 Action News spoke with both Republican and Democrat lawmakers from the Kansas City area.

Many said they trust the special committee and just hope the report Wednesday will be with one voice and not partisan. 

"I think what we will get tomorrow from my understanding is the first piece of what they have looked into which were the allegations of misconduct with the woman in St. Louis. There is I guess there is new information that was dropped on them at the last minute. A lot of new information that they are looking at. If they need time to look at that, I want them to have that time," said Democrat Rep. Greg Razer. 

Some in both political parties have already called for the governor to resign. 

Republican Rep. TJ Berry said he wants to first hear the facts from the committee before giving an opinion on what the governor should do. 

"I don’t want the committee to come back polarized, Republicans vs. Democrats, I really hope that what comes back is a unified voice where all of them are in agreement. If that takes place, then all of the manipulations or things within the public framework will go away. It will be easy for me to say, these are a group of my peers that have looked at the evidence and here is what they are saying and in agreement," said Berry. 

Earlier this week, the governor's legal team revealed news details in a deposition with the alleged victim. They say she told them the incident could have been something she dreamed. 

Her attorney fired back calling for all transcripts to be made public. 

The special committee will have another closed-door meeting Wednesday. The committee will release its report at 5 p.m. 

The documents are set to include a summary and transcripts of conversations with those who were interviewed.

The governor's attorney, Edward Dowd, Jr., released the following statement after the gag order was handed down:

"The judge imposed a gag order on everyone in the case today, per the prosecution's request. Also, he said that it would be reckless of the State House to put out information now, as evidence should not be publicly released without rigorous cross-examination and review."

The Missouri House canceled its charity softball tournament because of the release Wednesday evening.