

TSA: Record number of guns found at airport checkpoints

Posted at 3:32 PM, Jun 09, 2017
and last updated 2017-06-09 18:48:14-04

A new report by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) shows an alarming increase of loaded guns being found while going through airport security.

Several have been found at KCI in the past two weeks.

From May 22 to June 4, TSA discovered 150 guns in carry-on bags at airport security checkpoints across the country.

Seven were found at KCI -- six were loaded.

"One hundred twenty-eight of those were loaded and about 53 of them had a round chambered,"'said TSA regional spokesman Mark Howell.

TSA claims the number one excuse from travelers is 'forgetfulness.'

"It almost always ends up as a TSA civil penalty and that could go up to $11,000 on the first offense," said Howell.

It's an expensive mistake.

Especially considering the FBI responds when any firearm is found at KCI. That's when the gun owner gets a citation or possibly arrested.

"With the increase of carry laws, people really need to stop and think what they're bringing to the airport," said Howell.

But why are so many more people bringing guns to the airport?

TSA believes part of it is simply that more people are traveling. As they're now screening up to 2.5 million people a day across the U.S. Another part of the equation may be the new gun laws allowing almost anyone to carry a firearm.

Missouri made conceal and carry without a permit legal last year, Kansas doing the same two years ago.

These are the TSA guidelines in order to properly travel with a firearm:

  • Gun has to be in locked, inside hard-shelled case with padding, inside checked bag
  • Gun needs to be unloaded
  • Must declare you're traveling with firearm with airline