Either Sharon Osbourne has had plastic surgery, or she's some kind of weird face-collecting serial killer.
On a recent episode of "The Talk," Julie Chen told Osbourne, "You look the best you have ever looked in your life."
Osbourne replied, "Well, I've got my third face on right now."
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Osbourne and her fellow co-hosts of "The Talk" were discussing Jessica Alba's recent comments on getting more beautiful with age. Osbourne agreed that women gain more interior beauty as they get older but added, "Definitely you get more wrinkles with that beauty."
The rest of the show's hosts largely agreed with Osbourne that experience adds to beauty. Aisha Tyler said, "Beauty is an idea, but when you meet someone it's also confidence."
And Julie Chen added, "Selena Gomez is beautiful, but she doesn't look like she has that life experience of confidence under her belt yet. And I promise you when she's in her 40s or whatever, she's going to be even more beautiful."
The 63-year-old media personality is returning to host U.K. reality show "The X Factor," and her co-host Louis Walsh told the press her new face "is the best one yet."
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Osbourne's commented on her surgeries in the past; when the Daily Mail described her face as "puffy" last year, she responded, "I don't pay all this money for them to say 'puffy'!"
This video includes clips from CBS / "The Talk" and images from Getty Images. Music provided courtesy of APM Music.
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