

WATCH: Get ready for Jurassic Quest


No Dino from "The Flintstones." No big, purple Barney. But, just about any other creature from the past is hanging out at Hale Arena this weekend. Get ready for Jurassic Quest!

More than 80 dinos…of the animatronic variety…are there to entertain, educate and engage. (The other “E” word is happily missing…as in EAT.) 

According to the keeper of the creatures, Dustin Baker, they make every effort to replicate the life, times and environment of 200 million years ago.There are baby dinosaurs, walking dinosaurs, little dinosaurs and, of course, huge dinosaurs like Sue the T-Rex!

For a ticket in the $20 to $30 range, you can spend as much of the day as you wish living among the mighty and mini. Just stay alert!  You never know what’s waiting around the corner!

For more information, you can visit




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