

KS Attorney General: Look out for phishing scam

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Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt warned businesses to watch out for a new scam aimed at acquiring employees’ personal information.

A news release from the Kansas Attorney General’s Office said the scam involves someone sending an employee an email that purports to be from the business’ Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer. The email requests sensitive employee information, including tax forms such as W-2s.

The news release says the emails appear to come from the CEO or CFO’s email address, but they are actually “spoofed” addresses. The information can be used by a scammer to commit identity theft. 

The Kansas Attorney General’s Office said they were aware of at least three Kansas organizations that have been hit by this scam.

For more information on staying safe from scams, visit the attorney general’s consumer protection website at or by calling (800) 432-2310.




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