On Wednesday, the Kansas Department of Labor released documents stating the Verruckt and other rides at Schlitterbahn passed inspection last June.
The checklist was provided in March 2015 and expired last March. A full list detailing how those rides were inspected was not provided.
"It just said that particular point and time they were going to provide insurance,” said Zach Wilson.
Wilson owns Fun Services, which rents out amusement rides, and also has his inspector’s license. He said the laws from state to state are vastly different.
In Missouri, the Fire Marshals Office inspects rides yearly. Proof of insurance and an inspection report must be filed to receive a permit from the state.
In Oklahoma, inspectors with the Oklahoma Department of Labor inspect rides.
No one from a state entity inspects rides in Kansas. It is all done through other private entities.
Kansas law says amusement ride owners are obligated to provide inspection reports only if they are requested by the state.
"I've never been approached or requested by the state of Kansas to provide any inspection documentation,” said Wilson.
Senator David Haley from KCK said this topic could come up when lawmakers head back into session in January.
"I would like to see the best practice employed from other states to be incorporated into Kansas,” said Haley.
Ali Hoxie can be reached at ali.hoxie@kshb.com