

How to prepare your outdoor space for summer


HGTV personality Jeff Wilson shared how you can prepare your outdoor space for summer.

Wilson said a deck should be cleaned and refinished every so often.

You can use the splash test to see if your deck is protected from the elements. If the water beads up, then the deck is still protected. If it soaks in and makes the wood dark, then it's time to take action.

Wilson said pressure washing cleans the deck, but it doesn't kill all the mold, mildew and things that can grow.

You can get a cleaner in a pump up garden sprayer and then use it. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then scrub it a little bit with a brush. Then you wait 48 hours before coating the deck.

The seals can be tinted or clear, depending on what you want.

Wilson said the more pigment that is in a stain, the longer it will last on a surface.

It protects not only from water but also from the sun.

Wilson said you can apply it with a deck brush, a brush, a roller or pretty much anything.

He said one coat is enough, but if you want more color, you can put a second coat on within a couple hours.

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