

Kansas Democratic delegates discuss Day 1 of Democratic National Convention

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Amber Versola described the atmosphere inside Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Center as “energized.”

She is a Kansas Clinton delegate seeing a rocky start to the Democratic National Convention.

“There’s some tension in the air,” said Versola.

That’s due in part to the release of hacked emails showing some DNC officials worked against the Bernie Sanders campaign during the primary.

Sanders supporters protested in the streets of Philadelphia as the DNC gaveled in.

“What’s important now is that we make sure that everybody is heard. Every Democrat has a voice at this convention and can be heard and then be unified and come together and beat Donald Trump come November,” said Versola.

Versola anticipates that despite the night one theme of “united together,” a roll call vote or other contentions on the floor are possible, despite Sander’s plea to supporters via email, discouraging booing or other defiant actions.

Sanders edged Clinton by a wide margin in the Kansas Caucus.

“[Kansas Clinton delegates] are slightly outnumbered here,” said Versola.

Sanders Kansas delegate and whip Andy Sandler said he’s keeping an eye on his delegation following boos from Sanders supporters when Sanders announced Monday morning, "We have got to elect Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine."

“Hopefully there’s no intent to disrupt,” said Sandler, who told 41 Action News he will urge fellow Sanders delegates to heed their candidates request.

“I’ll follow the orders of mothership,” said Sandler.



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