For the past few months, Natalie Remington and her family have been dealing with uncontrollable allergies in North Kansas City.
"We're coughing, all day, all night, not able to sleep, in fact we're just so run down,” Remington said. “It's like this wet cough that we have that keeps going deep into our chest. Fluids in the ears, itchy eyes, watery eyes and it's worse than it's ever been.”
Remington is a reverend at her business, Your Magical Day, and said the allergies are impacting her at work.
“I have all this stuff that's in my chest and in my throat. I have to take water with me constantly and I'm always nervous that during the ceremony I'm going to have a coughing fit,” she said.
Dr. Katherine Aberle with ENT Associates of Greater KC said grass pollen has been very high this year. She also said because of the mild winter we had, and warmer temperatures moving in earlier, the pollen season has come earlier than expected.
Remington said she’s been to her doctor and has tried everything to get rid of her symptoms.
“Eye drops, allergy pills, you name it. They've given us everything and we can't shake whatever it is that we have,” Remington said.
Salt water rinses for sinuses and deep cleaning your home as the weather gets warmer is also recommended.
Dr. Cody Ryan with Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center said the biggest thing is pinpointing when and where these allergy symptoms are happening.
“Everybody has like a different allergy to a different kind of pollen or allergen and one of the important things in terms of treatments for allergies is finding those triggers,” Ryan said.
If you find your symptoms are getting worse, doctors encourage you to see a specialist.
“In certain situations where we're not able to figure out what the trigger is and none of the medications seem to be helpful, there are specialists who can do testing to figure out exactly what your triggers are,” Ryan said.
To see allergy reports, history, and allergens in your area, click here.