KANSAS CITY, Mo. — At some of Kansas City’s busiest intersections, riders are standing while they wait for the bus.
“I just have to deal with it the best I can, you know. And that’s what I’m doing," 82-year-old bus user Paul Vargas said while getting off a bus at 39th and Broadway.

Since community members have raised concerns about a lack of seating at bus stops, KSHB 41 reporter Abby Dodge reached out to the Kansas City Area Transit Authority to see if and when it would remove a bench from a particular stop on its route.
In an email response, a representative said, “It is not the policy nor the desire of KCATA to remove benches for any purpose except for stop location changes or changes in ridership. There have been no recent bench removals from any KCATA-managed bus stops for quite some time.”
KCATA said the last time it removed benches at a KCATA-managed bus stop was more than a year ago at the intersection of 12th and Grand. It removed the bench at 39th and Broadway about two years ago.
Both removals were at the request of the Kansas City, Missouri, Police Department, according to KCATA.
The transit authority said developers in the area also requested the removal of benches at the corner of 12th and Grand.
“Taking away a bench isn’t going to stop crime,” said rider Endy Carrillo. “That’s all I got to say.”

KCPD believes the opposite.
"Removal of areas that are prone to loitering by a criminal element is a principle of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) which our community interaction officers employ in their daily crime prevention activities," the department shared with Dodge.
Some bus users said they have noticed crime in areas where there are no longer benches.
Nonetheless, riders said they are willing to stand if it means a safer experience for themselves and others.
KSHB 41 reporter Abby Dodge covers consumer issues, personal budgeting and everyday spending. Share your story idea with Abby.