

Holy Cross students raise money for Heifer International


Students at Holy Cross are doing their part to give back.

Since the fall, middle schoolers have gotten together to raise money for Heifer International, an organization that gives the gift of animals to people living in poverty.

School administrators say these animals provide food these families need.

Students say it’s one small way to give back to those in need.

“It helps us help other people from other countries that don't have all the things that we might have,” student Yulissa Cabrera said.

"It helps other people in other countries that are not as fortunate as us…to have a better life than they already did,” student Luan Le said.

Social studies teacher Rob Stark said Holy Cross is an inner city school that receives a lot from the community.

"They give to us a lot," Stark said. "We're here collecting money to give to someone else and I think that's critical."

Students were able to raise more than $300 for the organization this year.

This is the third year Holy Cross has donated money to the organization. 



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