

Kansas City metro teens attend Am I My Brother's Keeper conference


Just days after the 2016 Presidential Election, the political landscape is already shaping up for the future. 

Omari Tatum, 17, shared his vision with 41 Action News, "In the year 2036, I plan to run for President of the United States."  

The high schooler said events like the Am I My Brother's Keeper Conference help lay the foundation.

"Basically, this is a training for us," he said. "We can take it back to the community and do it."

Nearly 200 young men of color, realizing there's no gray area to being successful.

Organizers said it's important for these young people to know community leaders stand behind them as well.

"Our goal is to make sure that all our young men can get together and have substantive conversation about the issues they're dealing with in a safe space," Event Chair Eric Thompson said. 

Organizers also hoped to stress the importance of dressing for the occasion. The participants wore collared shirts. Most of them wore ties as well, including Tatum.

"When I came in and saw everyone dressed up, that made me feel a good way. Because I'm not used to that, me being the color I am. I'm not used to seeing others like that. So seeing that is a positive feel," Tatum said. "They feel important and walk with a different meaning." 

The event is in its 4th year at Metropolitan Community College. It's free to the teens and after the event, teens like Tatum truly feel they are their brother's keeper. 

"You are, therefore I am. I need you in order for me to be successful. I can't go about this by myself. I need your help." 

In 2036, he'll need your vote as well. Until then, Tatum and all the teens only ask for a vote of confidence.



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