

Kansas City women ready to march in Washington D.C.

and last updated

Four Kansas City area women are driving about 16 hours to attend the Women's March on Washington the day after President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration.

More than 200,000 people are scheduled to peaceably protest on Saturday, with more than 30 other cities holding their own rallies.  Kansas City has one planned in Washington Park at 1 p.m. that day.

Kate Donohue thought she would attend here, but then felt inspired to go to D.C.

"I really wanted to be a part of it to be a voice for women and girls who haven't found their voice yet. In hopes that they would," explained Donohue.

She put up a Facebook post and within minutes had a car full of like-minded ladies.

"The motivation and determination from the other girls just sealed me in and motivated me even more to go," said Donohue.

One of those women is Amber Whipple, who said she's always wanted to be a part of something like this.

"I saw the Facebook post and instantly felt inspired and motivated and I realized I had the opportunity to do it so I jumped on. And luckily I was the last person to get a seat in the car," said Whipple.

The women said it's their common beliefs that brought them together, and they want to bring that momentum back to Kansas City.

Whipple said they're hoping to show strength in numbers and highlight women's issues on a national stage.

"Our emotions are out there. We're fighting for not only our rights, but our children's. What our grandparents and people fought for us as well. We want to keep it alive and stay motivated," said Whipple.

Kansas City demonstration: 1 p.m. on Saturday in Washington Park
Women's March on Washington: 10 a.m. on Saturday at Independence and 3rd



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