

KCK's Bethel Center expansion opening doors wider for immigrants, needy

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Kansas City, Kansas is an ever-growing and diversifying part of the metro, and the United States. Bethel Neighborhood Center has seen and sustained the waves of immigrants and settlers for 106 years.

Soon, Bethel will open its doors even wider.

The center just broke ground on a $2.2 million expansion and renovation. The project was a huge fundraising effort only accomplished by generous donors and neighboring churches.

"It was very scary when we first began. Two million, there is no way! But God made a way for us," Executive Director Mang Sonna said.

Bethel made a way for Elvia and her family.

"There's no discrimination. They treat us all the same. They take us in with so much love," Elvia said.

Her five sons went to Bethel since they were little, for the after-school and summer programs. It's a saving grace for parents trying to make a living.

"They're not going out and joining gangs, or walking around by themselves because they can bring them here, and they're safe. That's something that's been really good in this neighborhood," Elvia said. "They're taken care of, and they learn a lot."

Bethel also provides ESL and citizenship classes, social services, and a food pantry for any Wyandotte County resident.

Mang got started as a pastor within the Bethel community in 2000 after coming from India. He recently became a U.S. citizen.

"I am an immigrant myself, and I experienced that. I know the kind of help they need," Sonna said.

The renovation will allow Bethel to double the number of people they serve.

"It is so important to make them feel welcome and they know there is a place, there is a group of people who love them," Sonna said.  "It is important to build their families up. We always say we're not handing things down, but we are handing up so that they will become self-sufficient."

The bulldozers are expected in June, and Sonna hopes to have the project finished by next year.



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