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Pleasant Hill is rounding out 2024 in the early phases of construction on its largest one-year development investment in the city's park system.
"Quality of life is important," said City Administrator Shelby Teufel. "This community is ready to invest in its future.”

Pleasant Hill's park renovation projects are funded through an $11.5 million voter-approved 'P1 initiative' on April 2, 2024. The ballot measure funds major upgrades to City Lake, City Park, and the Recreation Complex.

"Our city park... hasn’t been renovated for the most part in 20-30 years. We are doing a complete renovation of this site. All new pavilions, parking, ADA accessibility, redoing the tennis courts we have on-site," Teufel explained. "We're also upgrading our playground equipment and adding the city’s first splash pad.”

Additionally, development plans are revolutionizing disabled youth's access to playground fun.
"We'll be one of the first public parks in the KC metro to offer a '360 loop slide,'" Teufel said. "What that does is it allows any child to have the ability to get themselves up but then also to slide down and do that on a continuous loop.”

Youth opportunity is a driving force in the communities decision to revitalize local parks. Jeff Hull is the director of Parks and Facilities and he's overseeing construction operations at the Recreation Complex.
Upon completion, the complex will be home to playgrounds and multiple athletic playing surfaces.

"We hope this will encourage tournaments and teams from other communities to utilize what our town has to offer," Hull said. "This is a good way of getting everyone outside, some good activities, and doing a big upgrade for community betterment.”
The current recreation complex houses Pleasant Hill High School's varsity baseball field. It's the Hull's goal to open the 2025 baseball season with a new field this spring as the first completed portion of the project.

"I grew up here. I am four generations deep in this town. I was here when the high school started its first baseball program. We had some very minimal facilities," he said. "Seeing this kind of upgrade is huge for our youth. My passion is youth development of all aspects, not just sports and this overall project is great for the community.”

The final leg of the 2024 ballot initiative is to improve camping accessibility at Pleasant Hill City Lake north of town.
The recreation area will receive upgrades to the main entrance including a paved drive entrance and parking spaces. Other site improvements include the addition of a shower and restroom facility, the addition of a kayak launch, and new playground equipment.

"It's about creating space, community connections, and collaboration and just getting together as a community," Teufel explained. "It's located on the Rock Island Trail System... it makes that a more attractive space for people to stay, even if they just need an overnight stay.”
Included on the early 2024 ballot, voters also approved funding for law enforcement facility renovations, a new animal shelter, and water and sewer infrastructure upgrades.

I think the opportunities are about endless on this," Hull added about the entire project. "We are going to be able to partner with some of the local communities to bring in some interest for these facilities, as well as other activities that can be held here."

The City of Pleasant Hill operates a website with project updates and historical data for project funding. The timeline of each individual project varies.
More information on the development's status can be found here.