

WATCH: Meet the woman behind 'People of Cowtown'

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In a city with more than 450,000 people, there are endless stories to tell.

“I love the people of Kansas City. We have a lot of heart, we’re giving, we’re caring, we’re kind and I just want to show the rest of world,” said Margaret Norcross.

Inspired by the Facebook pageHumans of New York, she created People of Cowtown—an Instagram and Facebook page that showcases people in the city and surrounding areas. 

The pages were started about 10 months ago.

Her first post was of a homeless man. She asked to take his photo and handed him change. After walking away, she went back and asked for his story.


Meet Andrew from Hutchinson KS. He is currently homeless in Kansas City. Long story as to how he came to our town. He stated bad decisions and bad luck. Becoming disabled from work only worsened it. He won't stay at the Mission due to situations there that make him uncomfortable. He stated he has resources to use and fall back on. Handouts are used for the day to day stuff such as bus fare food and such. For a dollar I asked to take his picture. Got his name and was off. Then on the way back I thought how rude. Went back and asked him to tell me his story and said I wanted him to know that he was a person just like me and deserved better than what I first did. Hopefully things will work out for him. I'm glad I went back and talked to him.

A photo posted by @people_of_cowtown on

The stories are usually gathered during her lunch break and on the weekends.

Norcross observes people by their body language to judge whether they are in a hurry and ask if they are willing to share their stories.

“I would say I get more yesses than nos," she said. "There are some days when I go out and I’m zero for five but you know, people are busy. It’s their lunch hour so I completely understand.”

On a sunny Wednesday afternoon – the first day of the Big 12 Men’s Basketball Championship Tournament—Margaret searches for new faces to feature.

Out of the nine people she asked, two were willing to participate. Norcross takes their photos, has them sign a waiver and then records them telling their story.

“This is about you,” she said to the people she features. “This is your time take--whatever you want to say, whatever you’re passionate about. It’s your platform.”

On the walk around the Power and Light District, Norcross saw a lady she previously featured who had ran a marathon. 

“This has helped me be able to reach out to people and be able to show them—at least listen to them because everybody wants someone to listen to them," Norcross said. “I want to make somebody feel like they are important. Just for that one time, that one moment."

You can follow People of Cowtown onFacebookand Instagram.



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