Law enforcement says now is the time of year where crooks can take advantage of people, with darker days setting in.
On Saturday, a group of girls from Gardner High School learned how to protect themselves during self-defense classes organized by deputies with the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office.
"Even when you are with your friends you don't feel safe in certain situations especially when it's really dark outside like it is now," said senior Madison Weber.
Instructors say now is the perfect time to teach these girls with holiday shopping season upon us.
"With the holidays coming up there is a lot more traffic at obvious places. There is going to be traffic at the malls things like that, people are out shopping where there is potential targets that's where the hunters are going to be at," said Deputy Justin Morris.
Learning self-defense tricks and give you the upper hand if you ever face an attacker.
Also, learning to be aware of your surroundings is key from stopping an attack from starting. Including have your keys ready ahead of time before getting into your car, putting your phone away are being aware of your surroundings, and parking in well lite areas.
Above all, always fight back.
"You don't want to be an easy target so you're making noise, you're fighting back, you're doing whatever need to do keys in your hand whatever you need to do not get in that vehicle not go with that person that wants to do harm to you,” said Morris.
"It's nice to know that you don't have to be strong to fight off a bad person you can be how I am and still fight off like ten times bigger than me,” said senior Mariah Collier.
Ali Hoxie can be reached at