KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Are you missing two roosters?
The Johnson County Parks and Recreation Department tweeted Friday morning that workers at Kill Creek Park found two wandering roosters Friday, and are trying to locate the owners of the birds.
If you have misplaced two Rhode Island Reds this morning, please call Kill Creek Park at (913) 583-9985... #LostAndFound #ChickenEdition pic.twitter.com/pTVyY623Gc
— JCPRD (@JCPRDparks) February 2, 2018
Parks officials said workers found the pair outside of Shelter 3 this morning.
Workers have called neighbors of the park to see if anyone has any missing roosters, but so far, they haven’t been able to locate the owners.
The pair aren’t tagged or branded, making finding the owners difficult.
The birds are in a temporary shelter at a parks and rec office. If the owners aren’t located soon, parks officials have reached out to a local rescue group for a more permanent home.
The fowl, described as two Rhode Island Reds, generally don’t travel very far, and even when they do, parks officials said there are plenty of predators that would likely make their stay in the park short lived.