

US repeatedly files motions to dismiss sex abuse lawsuits against Mark Wisner, VA

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Mark Wisner and the VA are facing 37 federal lawsuits that the government wants dismissed.

"I'm very angry about it,” said retired Army veteran and plaintiff Russell Morris. “I just want to get this done and over with."

Morris gave the U.S. 20 years of service.

He’s returned home to fight his hardest battle yet, against the people trusted to care for him.

“It seems like the VA keeps fighting us and not doing the right thing for the ones who have had this happen to them,” Morris said.

Attorney Dan Curry represents Morris and more than a dozen other men who allege former Leavenworth VA physician assistant Mark Wisner sexually abused them when they would go in for routine checkups.

“If it was a normal hospital and something happened like this, there would be accountability, but here the VA says ‘we're different,’" said Curry.

Curry admits the legal process is moving slow. The government wants every lawsuit dismissed, arguing veterans waited too long to make a claim.

“Ironically, the U.S. is now arguing that because these veterans had to go through that initial administrative phase they are too late now, they've run out of time to file the lawsuit, but the U.S. made them go through that phase first,” Curry explained.

Curry and Morris vow to see the lawsuits through.

They are already more than a year in, and there is no end sight.

"In these cases, the VA needs to sit down and really look at what the right thing is to do here,” Curry said. “Are they really going to make these guys fight to the bitter end? And they will fight to the bitter end if they have to,” Curry said.

“I just want to see him get what’s due to him and move on with it,” Morris added. “He needs to be punished for it."

A spokesperson for the Department of Justice declined to comment on pending litigation.