KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Mothers are beaming inside of Saint Luke’s neonatal intensive care unit while they share their new bundles of joy with the world.
These mothers are dressed in scrubs, not gowns.
Eleven nurses in the NICU unit on the Plaza went through pregnancy together.

“It’s just kind of fun to share this bond with everybody,” said Ashley Gomez, who works in the NICU at St. Luke's.
The last few months have strengthened the sisterhood among female nurses on the floor.
"We just kind of all go through a lot of the same things in life," Gomez said. “Everybody here is so sweet.”
Gomez has a certain coworker she goes to for support.
She works with her sister, Courtney Hunt, who is adding to the NICU’s growing family.

"[I] just have a built-in best friend that we work alongside," Hunt said. "We have days that are hard, and it’s just kind of nice to have somebody to touch base with and keep you sane."
The sisters accidentally created what they hope is a budding friendship. Their newest additions are just 16 hours apart.
“It’s nice having a buddy you can talk through that with and go through it with,” Gomez said. “Pregnancy is hard. It’s hard on your body, but it’s worth it.”

The sisters have been in this position before.
Gomez's first child and Hunt's second are just eight weeks apart.
This time, nine other moms joined in on the fun.
“Must be some good water we are drinking up here," Hunt said. “Making these sweet babies.”
Three nurses are still waiting for their baby's arrival, all expected by the end of the summer.
