

KS gov. names October Zombie Preparedness Month


Gov. Sam Brownback will sign a proclamation on Sept. 30 marking October as “Zombie Preparedness Month" in Kansas, according to a news release from the Kansas Adjutant General’s Department.

The news release states the proclamation is to remind Kansans of “the need to be prepared for any emergency."

“If you’re prepared for zombies, you’re prepared for anything,” Brownback said in the news release. “Although an actual zombie apocalypse will never happen, the preparation for such an event is the same as for any disaster: make a disaster kit, have a plan and practice it.”

According to the news release, during Zombie Preparedness Month, Kansas Division of Emergency Management will partner with other public safety agencies to provide information on emergency preparedness.

It will include social media zombie preparedness challenges throughout the month. You can visit the KDEM on Facebook to participate in special Zombie Preparedness Challenges through October.

To take the Preparedness Challenge, visit and click on the link for Kansas Preparedness Challenge.


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