

Pro-Trump chalk campaign hits KU, Mizzou


Following last month's controversy at Emory University when students protested against pro-Donald Trump messages in chalk, "The Chalkening" movement has advanced to several colleges across the nation.

Those include campuses at the University of Kansas and the University of Missouri. 

"The Chalkening" was launched by college students who support the Trump campaign after some students at Emory argued the "Trump 2016" chalk message made them feel unsafe.

Since then, chalk has appeared on numerous college campuses in an effort to support the Republican Party's front-runner for president.

At Mizzou, "Trump 2016" was written in chalk on April 5, according to a tweet from an account called Mizzou for Trump.

Meanwhile, at KU, at least two separate incidents happened.

The first was reported on March 29:

The second was reported on April 8:

The University of Kansas' official Twitter account noted that it while it was investigating the chalking, it would have approved the message of it was by a student, per university policy

Other universities have acted differently. 

Just this week, DePaul University announced it would ban chalk messages