Amy Cragg is an Olympic marathoner.
She is also an alum of Leavenworth High School.
"It’s like unfathomable to think that someone from a small town like Leavenworth to go and do something on the big screen," said Greg Flores, a member of the cross-country team at Leavenworth High school.
Flores is one of several on the team that will be watching Cragg as she tries for Olympic gold in Rio on Sunday.
Cragg's former coaches and teachers still remember the 2002 grad.
"The first thing that comes to my mind is just how determined she was," said Lisa Shepard, a former teacher of Cragg's. "She was a student in my AP Calculus class and she was willing to work beyond the classroom."
"She was also a bright fun kid and she brought a lot of fun inspiration to her teammates as well," said Stacey Cole, one of Cragg's former coach.
Cragg's picture still hangs on the wall of the main hall at Leavenworth High, next to dozens of elite students that went on to do great things.
One coach said Cragg was the most determined female athlete he has ever had.
"Some of our kids will dedicate themselves to do some great stuff but that's a whole nother level," said Willis Willmeth, the cross-country coach for Leavenworth High.
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