In the game of basketball, as in the game of life, those who make a big impact don't mind going into overtime.
"I don't necessarily think it's anything super, I just think it's something that Bobby and I both, we really like hanging out with these guys," said Brian Stewart.
Stewart and Bobby Stow both signed up as Bigs in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. They ended up as much more than that.
On a special Kansas City basketball team, they coach not only their own Littles, but a team of Littles.
"If we can mix time hanging out with them, teaching them life skills with things like basketball, things that they really like, I think it's a win-win," said Stewart.
Instead of impacting the lives of two boys, they're impacting eight.
"I think that they've learned a lot about themselves, what perceived limitations they have that maybe aren't exactly there when they're able to do things together," said Stewart.
The coaches lead the boys through practice two times a week, with games on Saturdays.
From the Littles' perspective, it's all about fun, perhaps without even knowing they're learning big lessons.
"The ups and downs of basketball are just like the ups and downs of life. You're behind sometimes and you're winning sometimes," said Stow.
For more information on the Big Brothers Big Sisters, click here.
Justin Wilfon can be reached at