KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Blue Valley School District announced Friday it is resuming sports and all high school extracurricular activities beginning Saturday and is moving into a "yellow" phase of COVID-19 gating.
Two weeks ago, the district decided to hold off on allowing sports until virus cases improved in the area.
"As a former high school counselor and administrator, the value of our activities and athletics programs is not lost on me. I know these voluntary programs play an important role in the total educational experience for our middle and high school students," Blue Valley Superintendent Dr. Tonya Merrigan said on Friday.
Under the "yellow" phase criteria, the state lists: "Small group activities limited; masks and social distancing required; stable groups with limited group numbers. No high-risk activities. No group travel. Conditioning/ practice may continue with modifications."
The district says it will work with the University of Kansas Health system to come up with modifications to ensure the high-risk activities - like football and dance - are as safe as possible.
Competitions will be limited to the Kansas City metro and the district did not say if spectators would be allowed at sporting events at this time.
Middle school sports will not resume until in-person learning resumes.