KSHB 41 reporter Claire Bradshaw covers eastern Jackson County, including Blue Springs and Independence. Share your story idea with Claire.
Eastern Jackson County cities have seen plenty of population growth over the years. Grain Valley is no exception.
In 2000, U.S. Census data showed the city’s population was around 5,000. Today, it is close to 17,000.
The increase is why City Administrator Ken Murphy said the city is considering building a larger community center at the former Sni a Bar Farms location.

“For anybody that just drives down I-70, maybe they don't see all of, all of that growth," Murphy said. "You do have to go either north or south to see the new subdivisions that are in there in the population boom."
For the past three months, a focus group by Hoefer Welker has explored what a new building would look like and include. After its third and final meeting on Jan. 7, it sent a list of recommendations to the Board of Alderman.
If approved by the Board of Aldermen, it would ideally be put on the upcoming April ballot as a no-tax-increase bond issue to fund the new center.
The city will have a public open house at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 4 at the police department.