KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Every school year, Jason Roberts budgets around $500 for school supplies.
"I buy pencils and pens, paper, notebooks, and folders," the KCPS teacher told 41 Action News.
And it all comes from, his own pocket.
"You do it because you care," he said.
Right now teachers, like Roberts, are eligible for a small tax break of $250 to reimburse themselves for their expenses. But this tax break is now up in the air.
If passed, a new Republican tax plan would eliminate this teacher expense deduction.
According to Republicans, like Rep. Kevin Yoder of Overland Park, the proposal is part of an effort to "simplify" the tax code. They argue even without this tax deduction, many people will still see their tax bills fall.
Still, teachers, like Roberts, would like to see this deduction stay.
"I am taking money out of my own pocket in order to provide for the needs of my own students and when you look at other professions, they don't do that," he said.