KSHB 41 reporter Claire Bradshaw covers eastern Jackson County, including Blue Springs and Independence. Share your story idea with Claire.
For the last 10 months, Grandview’s city hall and police department have been under renovation thanks to a voter-approved bond package.
In 2022, voters overwhelmingly approved three questions in a $21 million no-tax increase bond package. One question funded $6 million worth of renovations to city hall, the police department and adding a DMV annex next door.
The building housing the city hall and police department opened on the same day in 1975. Mayor Leonard Jones said the renovations done to city hall were long overdue to make it ADA-compliant.

“It is so much easier to navigate around the building,” Jones said. “We did exactly what the citizens told us to do, and we are grateful that they did and that we did exactly what was expected.”
Jones highlighted the new employee offices, a spacious employee lounge and improving and enclosing the Board of Alderman meeting space.
Downstairs in the police department, improvements were made to the employee kitchen, locker rooms and gym. There were also safety improvements by updating the jail area and dispatch space with state-of-the-art technology.
Chief Charles Iseman said it would’ve taken longer to complete without $350,000 from the Jackson County E-911 fund.

“Our dispatch center is the first point of contact a lot of people have with our police department,” Iseman said. “As technology continues to develop, we will be set up to where we can roll with it.”
The public is invited at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday to tour the new city hall space and see first-hand what improvements were made. Police department tours are by invitation only.