Starting at the end of July, free parking will no longer be an option in certain parts of the River Market.
Public Information Officer for KC Public Works Beth Breitenstein says the city underwent a parking audit late last year through an EPA grant and the Smart Growth America organization. The study looked at the parking need in the River Market area.
“There were several recommendations to move forward in adapting to some of the changes that are happening in River Market,” Breitenstein said.
As a result of the audit, there will be a 90-day meter testing period.
“Density increase, more people coming downtown period so as a result of that, we're looking at ways to increase parking turnover and one of those ways is to try out some new parking meters,” she said.
There will be four different types of meters installed during this 90 day test run.
“The demo is not for all street parking in the River Market,” said Breitenstein. “It runs the perimeter of the City Market area, adjacent to the city property. So it's going to be 3rd to 5th, Grand to Main.”
The rate? $1 an hour Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. It’s a change that’s bringing in mixed feelings for some.
“I think it's alright,” Grady Stanton, a KC resident, said. “I mean I have a tough time parking around here so it'll be good to have some incentive for people to move.”
“People are going to find a way to get here either way,” Brown and Loe Manager Jeremiah Gonzalez said. “I don't see that it's going to necessarily help anybody except kind of just help the city make extra money.”
After the 90 days, Breitenstein says KC Public Works will look at which meters they will permanently install in the area, along with where they will be located.