It’s that time of the year, once again.
When RVs and race fans pull into the Kansas Speedway to see their favorite NASCAR drivers compete for the Sprint Cup.
“I haven’t missed a race yet. I’ve been to every one of them here in Kansas City,” said Robert Strader of Dodge City.
While fans fueled up on food and drinks, several allowed 41 Action News to join their conversations about this weekend’s race and another upcoming race—the 2016 presidential race.
“I don’t really know any of the issues because all they talk about is what is going on outside the election. It’s not even about the issues that we need in this country," said Travis Renna from Jefferson County.
Renna and his friends said issues that matter to them include the economy, crime, jobs and taxes.
Like many fans at the Speedway, they told 41 Action News they are disappointed with the candidate selections.
“It’s almost like watching Talladega,” said J.J. Harvey, of Meriden, Kansas. “I would vote for both vice presidents, not the two that are running.”
Ariel Rothfield can be reached at