Consultants provided a bleak assessment of the aging terminals at KCI Airport Tuesday.
“You got some challenges there today, and the entire effort that we've gone through the last two years to try to solve some of those deficiencies,” said Lou Salomon, CEO of AvAirPros.
Consultants told the city’s airport committee that giving the terminals a facelift isn’t the best way to go.
“This process has shown that the major renovations you cannot solve all your problems in a cost effective manner,” Salomon said.
Instead, a large single terminal should be built.
“The airlines are prepared to make a significant investment here in the future of Kansas City and this airport,” Salomon said.
The latest presentation is a step closer to next month’s deadline.Tthat’s when the consultants must provide the committee with their final recommendation. If it passes out of the airport committee and the city council, it will then be in the hands of voters.
“I know that a lot of my colleagues feel like some of it is redundant I've had a lot of people say aren't you rehashing old territory and the answer is we need to answer these questions,” Jolie Justus, council member for the 4th District, said.
The airport committee will meet again April 12 to discuss the topic of convenience.
Andres Gutierrez can be reached at