

Weather Blog - Colder Today - Looking Into Baseballs Season's Opening Day

Baseball Dog
and last updated

Good morning bloggers,

We are just two days from April 1st, and two days away from the Kansas City Royals opening up their baseball season here in Kansas City. The weather is looking great for Thursday afternoon. There will be a freeze early in the morning, and then it will be fantastic for baseball.

Opening Day

Look at this map above! From Seattle south to Los Angeles, and then east to Missouri, the weather forecast is fantastic for opening day. Maybe not so much over the northeast, as you can see the snow and cold rain blowing through that storm system as it exits the east coast. Then, on Friday, it will be nice everywhere and a big warm up is in our forecast for the weekend. As this storm sweeps into the east coast there are some severe risks, and this time lower than they have been.

Severe Risks Today
Severe Risks Wednesday

The severe risks are just a level 1 out of 5 the next two days over the south and southeast. There will likely still be a few severe thunderstorms, but not the major risks they have been having the past few weeks. It has been a consistently threatening and tornado producing early season over the south. There has been some discussion and chatter about "Tornado Alley" in the plains shifting to the southeast, but it is just simply not true. This year's pattern has just been very favorable in this area so far, and traditional Tornado Alley, that extends from Texas and Oklahoma into Kansas and Nebraska, has been very quiet for two full years. We will discuss this in more detail later. For now, look at this next map showing the typical probabilities of severe weather on March 30th, the 30 year average for today:

Severe Probabilities For This Time Of Year

The southeast is more often a target early, and then as May approaches the risks shift farther north and west. We still have the signature part of the cycling pattern that will arrive later in April and that is when I see Kansas City's risks going up. There may be a few chances before then.

Baseball Dog

Rainbow and Sunny The Weather Dogs found a baseball this morning. Rainbow was playing keep away from Sunny! Have a great day. The weather will stay fairly quiet around here with no chances for rain through this weekend.

Thank you for spending a few minutes of your day reading the Gabbing With Gary blog. Have a great day. We will go in-depth with KC's most accurate forecast on 41 Action News today and tonight!
