Good Sunday bloggers,
The day started with a pretty sunrise brought to you by cirrus clouds. These are made of ice crystals at around 25,000 feet. The sun can usually shine through them and that will be the case today, filtered sunshine.
The weather pattern is calmer for now, but there are signs of a more active weather pattern in about 10-15 days. That being said, we are are tracking one main storm system this week.
What's the old saying..."make hay while the sun shines." This calm weather is good for getting out, maybe put up the holiday lights, or real fun stuff like doing leaves. I may be doing my leaves today. The leaves near the house are the most important to get rid of as bugs can use the insulation warmth of the leaves as a stepping stone to getting in the house. Also, you don't want leaves around the air conditioning unit.

Details on the week ahead, the one main storm system and upcoming pattern are in the six minute video below.
Have a great week ahead
Stay healthy