KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Good Saturday bloggers,
We had our first widespread hard freeze of the season this morning with lows 23-28. It was 21 at Garnett, Kansas. Now we turn our attention to a small system that will affect our area tonight.
We call it a clipper system. This is a fast-moving system that tracks northwest to southeast from southern Canada. Often these systems originate in the Canadian province of Alberta. So, sometimes we call these Alberta Clippers.
There was a lot of wind the last few days and zillions of leaves blew off the trees into yards. The weather looks good to get the leaves up today and Sunday. However, more wind tonight may make Sunday the best day for leaves.
Monday and Tuesday will be much warmer, but wind will make it hard to get the leaves up.

Also, we have a day during the next week that will likely reach 70 degrees!
Details on the one 70 degrees day and the system tonight are in the three and a half minute video below.
Have a great weekend
Stay healthy.