KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Good Chiefs Sunday, bloggers —
We had a super Sunday red sunrise. I keep saying Mother Nature is a Chiefs fan.

The weather today and tonight will be cold and dry, but not nearly as cold as the Texans game and not even close to the Dolphins game last season.
Highs today will be in the mid-30s, perhaps upper-30s if there is more sun. Sunset occurs at 5:33 p.m., so temperatures will drop fast early in the game as there will not be much wind and less clouds.
Clouds act like a blanket at night. So, the clear sky will allow temperatures to drop fast.

The week will start with 100% sunshine and southwest winds. That means a big warmup ahead of our next storm system, which is timed for Friday-Saturday. It may arrive as early as Thursday night.
Will the storm system add to our currently above-average snowfall? We sit at 14.5" of snow for the winter. Average by Jan. 26 is 9.3".

Details on some odd seasonal snow totals around the U.S., the warming trend and the next storm system are in the five-and-a-half-minute video below.
Have a great week ahead.
Stay healthy.