KANSAS CITY, Mo. — 41 Action News is offering a daily recap of COVID-19 related stories from across Kansas City and the country. Check back every morning for the latest developments.
LATEST: COVID-19 case tracker for Missouri, Kansas and Kansas City
University of Kansas Health System update
Doctors at the University of Kansas Health System said Friday morning at least 70% of people need to be vaccinated before the world can go back to life without masks and social distancing.
The doctors said they expect the first vaccines to be arriving in Kansas between Monday and Wednesday next week.
Doctors were treating 101 COVID-19 patients with acute infections as of Friday morning. Of those, 45 were in the intensive care unit and 27 on ventilators.
Sixty-six COVID-19 patients are in recovery, right of whom are on a ventilator.
Dr. Dana Hawkinson said KU Health is preparing a post-COVID recovery clinic to treat those with lingering symptoms, as well as provide mental health treatment to those recovering.
The future of COVID-19 vaccines for children
While the United States is closer and closer to vaccinating adults against COVID-19, the timeline for children receiving a vaccine is still up in the air.
Doctors told 41 Action News there are still several steps to achieve before children can get vaccinated, including completing clinical trials.
KC-area hospitals prep to administer COVID-19 vaccine to staff
It's already been determined in many states that some of the first people in line for a vaccine will be health care workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hospitals in Kansas City are working to create distribution plans within their hospitals, too. Those staff who work directly with COVID-19 patients will be first to be vaccinated.
KCVA won't immediately receive vaccines under VA's plan
It doesn't appear the Kansas City VA Medical Center will receive initial rounds of vaccines from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
According to its distribution plan released Thursday, the VA does not plan to send first doses to KCVA or any of its locations in Kansas, though sites in central and eastern Missouri did make the list.
Rural counties plan for mass vaccine distribution
Rural communities have faced unique challenges during the course of the pandemic, and vaccine distribution will be no exception.
Leaders at rural health departments told 41 Action News their distribution plans will be contingent on several factors, including which vaccine the county receives, as the Pfizer vaccine requires certain storage specifications.
Indpendence institutes curfew for bars, restaurants
Independence's newly reinstated health department announced a temporary midnight curfew for bars and restaurants in addition to occupancy limits and requirements on mask wearing and social distancing.
KCMO business owners protest COVID-19 restrictions
Meanwhile in Kansas City, Missouri, business owners protested COVID-19 restrictions.
One owner said the occupancy limits and early close time have cost him 40% to 50% of his business.
SevenDays annual kindness event goes virtual
For the second year in a row, the SevenDays annual kindness event will be held virtually.
The event will be held in April.
Kansas, Texas game canceled due to COVID-19
After positive tests among the University of Texas football crew, the University of Kansas' football season is over.
The matchup scheduled for this Saturday was canceled due to the outbreak. It was Kansas' last schedule competition of the season.
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